© Table Tennis Rother (2025)

About Table Tennis Rother

Table Tennis the Way You Like It
‘Our Aim is to provide opportunites for all’ Table Tennis Rother , formally known Rother Table Tennis Academy , was launched in September 2009 as the development arm of Battle Community Table Tennis Club. The aim was to develop an organisation that could work with schools to develop the sport linked to a Table Tennis England 4 Star Ability registered Premier Club. We are also Sport England Club Mark Accredited.One of our main aims is to encourage schools to develop the sport and link to our club sessions giving young people a pathway into the sport so that they can both develop their interests and skills either as a social player, competitive player or perhaps as an official. We now operate under the Table Tennis Rother across all our sessions and club. Since our formation we have worked on a number of projects with our partners. These have included a number of Sports Unlimited projects as well as a number of lottery funded projects. Our must recent project is with Rye College as a result of a Sports England Small Grants Award. Other organisations have included schools in Bexhill and more recenrlty we have welcomed Ratton School Academy in Eastbourne and Saxon Mount Special School in Hastings. Some of the projects have either been short term but many have been longer term but the main core of the club continues to work in schools and the community. The club is always interested in working with schools and other organisations to bring the sport to more people within the community. We continue to work closely with Table Tennis England, Active Rother, Active Sussex and SportED .We are currently working towards some additional interesting projects . We also wish to increase opportunities within schools through TTKIDz Schools as well a setting up additional after school clubs with new partners.
