© Table Tennis Rother (2025)

Battle Produces Exciting Encounters

Table Tennis the Way You Like It
The first Battle Junior Banded Event, the third of a series of events for the 2015/16 season, produced some very exciting encounters. Amongst these was a surprise result of Zachary Allen (St Leonards Academy) who upset 3 times Band A winner Dan Lane (Rye College Spinners) to take Band A morning event, Dan went on to take the Band B event. In the lower bands up and coming player Sam Stockdale (Little Common) defeated many older players with his agreesive forehand topspin to take both the morning and afternoon Band C events. Club and school mates, Sam Hotton and Josh Frais (Little Common) also had success in the Band D events. Click here for full results. The next banded event will take place in Rye during June.
