© Table Tennis Rother (2025)

Young Ambassadors Success

Table Tennis the Way You Like It
We have recently appointed three new Table Tennis England Young Ambassadors who have kindly offered their time to the club. Frankie, Ryan and Josh from Rye College will be working to help both to develop the sport within Rye College and Rye Primary. They will assist at the after school sessions helping with Coaching, Officiating as well as helping to setup and pack away the equipment. Rye College has a history of engaging with the Young Ambassadors Scheme noteably Sean who attended the school a few years ago and was one of the first in the country to complete over 50 hours of volunteering. This is a fantastic opportunity for the three young people involved and a great addition to their CVs and applications they may make in the future., as well as developing valuable skills such as leadership and communications skills.
