© Table Tennis Rother (2025)

More Girls Take up Table Tennis

Table Tennis the Way You Like It
We are delighted to report that after many years to trying to get more girls active in Table Tennis, this academic year has seen a massive increase in girls taking up the sport. Table Tennis Rother has seen a massive 75% increase in participation amongst girls across our sessions mainly for KS2 ( Primary ) and KS3 (Secondary). Two of our current sessions, Sandown Primary and Rye College have seen the biggest increase with girls almost out numbering the boys, something we have never experienced in over 35 years. What has caused this suddden increase ? On the theory is that during Covid, when home schooling look over many boys may have become more addicted to using computers for gaming, whilst girls may have become more aware of sporting opportunities rathing than becoming addicted to their computers. This is something we aim to try and find out in the near future. The club will also now be looking in the short and medium term to introduce some girls only activities in the future as demand increases, as well as appoint a girl representative on our Young Peoples leadership team.
